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Titanfall bringing back CTF matches, will widen searches to get you into games

Written By blogger on Friday, May 23, 2014 | 6:36 PM

titanfall expedition

By Tim Colwill on May 24, 2014 at 10:26 am

After pulling the CTF and Pilot Hunter playlists from Titanfall on PC because, well… nobody was playing them, Respawn have listen to fan complaints and agree to being at least CTF back, with some changes.

The reasons behind the decision and the software used to monitor games is explain in full (and very interesting!) detail on this new blog post here, but the main point you'll need to know is this one: CTF playlist searches will now look further and further abroad to try and get you into a game.

"If you're searching for 5 minutes without starting a game, Stryder (Titanfall's matchmaking service) will eventually widen your search to include neighboring continents," reads the post. "This means you might end up in a game with a much higher ping than you're used to, but as players pointed out; playing is preferred to not playing at all!"

"The 5 minutes is a rough estimation as Stryder may very well use a much shorter time if it can determine from its real-time view of the globe that waiting 1 or 5 minutes will have no tangible difference. Like with many attributes of matchmaking, we're tweaking and tracking or slicing data differently almost daily. Our engineers spend A LOT of time staring at graphs and analytics."

"But this isn't the only change we're making. We're working towards all sorts of cool behind-the-scenes features to increase visibility and control over matchmaking. Lobbies will show 'Connecting' on player slots when players are joining a match to avoid the misconception that your game may not fill up, causing you or other players to leave prematurely. We know no one wants to play a 3v6 round."

The blog post really is quite details, so do hit it up for more info.


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