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PS4's New Update Adds Auto "Featured Content" Downloads

Written By blogger on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 | 7:28 AM

Following last week's stability-only PlayStation 4 system update, another update--version 1.75--has arrived today. As promised, it introduces support for 3D Blu-ray movies, but it also has several other new features and changes.

The most significant of these is the new Featured Content option in the Automatic Downloads and Uploads area of the system's settings. With this option turned on, "featured content" will be downloaded to your system automatically when your PS4 is on or in standby mode. It's unclear just what kind of content will be included in this category or if there is any limit on how much will be automatically downloaded on a weekly basis.

One of the other two features will affect most every PS4 user, albeit in a minor way: System notifications that used to show up in the upper-right corner of the screen will now be displayed in the top left.

And finally, for those who like to watch their DVDs or Blu-rays more quickly than normal--a habit I, myself, have never understood--you'll now find the audio quality when watching DVDs and Blu-rays at 1.5x speed has been "improved."

Separate from this update, Sony has also announced the details of an update coming today for ShareFactory, PS4's video editor app. Once installed, screenshots can be imported into projects, new filters and stickers have been added, the UI has been improved, and a Last of Us theme (consisting of stickers, transitions, and more) is now available for use.

Are you happy to finally see a PS4 update with some new features in it? Let us know what you'd like to see in the next update in the comments below.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.com


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