Home » » Xbox One and Xbox 360 Free August Games With Gold Titles Include Crimson Dragon, Dishonored

Xbox One and Xbox 360 Free August Games With Gold Titles Include Crimson Dragon, Dishonored

Written By blogger on Monday, July 28, 2014 | 9:45 AM

Microsoft today announced August's free Gam es With Gold titles for Xbox One and Xbox 360, totaling four games in all split between the two platforms.

On Xbox One, players with an active Xbox Live Gold subscription ($60/year) can download Crimson Dragon (normally $20) and Strike Suit Zero (normally $20). These will b ecome available starting August 1, and they replace the current free games, Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition and Max: Curse of Brotherhood. If you have not downloaded those games yet, now would be a good time to do so.

Xbox 360 players with the Xbox Live Gold subscription, on the other hand, can download Motocross Madness (normally $10) for free August 1-15. Then starting on August 16, subscribers can pick up Dishonored (normally $20) for free through the end of the month.

On Xbox 360, once you download a free game, it is yours to keep even if your Xbox Live Gold subscription lapses. But on Xbox One, you'll need to keep you r Xbox Live Gold subscription active to hang on to the free games.

Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch
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