In July, developer Bungie announced its special editions for its upcoming shooter Destiny. One of them, the Ghost Edition, sold out at every retailer. Among other items, it contained a replica Ghost--your floating robotic companion in the game--a steelbook case, an "Arms and Armament" field guide, postcards about Destiny lore, and some in-game perks including access t o Destiny's two expansion packs. There were apparently few enough copies made available that they've become coveted by collectors, and as a result are selling for hundreds of dollars on Ebay.
According to a post on NeoGAF, Ghost Edition preorders have started appearing on the auction website for large a mounts of money. A quick search for "Destiny Ghost Edition" on Ebay brings up dozens of listings for the game starting at $300 and exceeding $400. Some completed auctions have even gone for as high as $650. One reached $1,025, although it is uncertain if the buyer will actually follow through with this purchase.
Also sold out at retailers is the Limited Edition, which contained the same field guide, postcards, and in-game items, just without the Ghost replica. If you still want to get some special in-game items and access to the expansion packs, you can buy and download the Digital Guardian Edition for $90.
Destiny launches on September 9 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. You can check out our coverage of last month's beta test here. Did you reserve a Ghost Edition before they sold out? If so, will you sell it or hold onto it? Let us know in the comments!
Alex Newhouse is an editorial intern at GameSpot, and you c an follow him on Twitter @alexbnewhouse |
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