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Microsoft Gamescom 2014 Press Conference Liveblog

Written By blogger on Monday, August 11, 2014 | 2:49 PM

Microsoft's Gamescom briefing takes place tomorrow at 5 AM PDT/8 AM EDT, and you won't want to miss it.

Microsoft has teased "big surprises" for the event, and Remedy Entertainment says the Quantum Break gameplay it plans to debut during the show will leave you speechless. We also know Microsoft has some Halo announcements to make, and who knows what other surprises are in store? Microsoft is broadcasting the event live through Xbox Live, Xbox.com, and the Windows Phone app. But if you're at school or work, we have a liveblog right here for you. Bookmark this page.

This is only just the beginning of our Gamescom liveblogs. Check back later tomorrow for Sony's briefing at 10 AM PDT and then Wednesday, August 13, for the Electronic Arts presentation at 1 AM PDT (bring some coffee).

Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch
Got a news tip or want to contact us direct ly? Email news@gam espot.com

