EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for October's NBA Live 15, which is coming exclusively to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The trailer, which EA says is made up exclusively of in-game footage, showcases the advancements made to the game's visuals. This includes more accurate player likenesses, as well as true-to-life footwear and accessories.
Overall, EA says NBA Live 15 will have the "most photo-realistic visuals in franchise history."
EA boas ts that every dribble, shot, dunk, and move you see in the trailer is something you'll be able to do yourself when you get the game in your hands. In the lead up to NBA Live 15's release in October, EA pl ans to release more details on gameplay, modes, and new features.
In all, NBA Live 15 will offer more than 500 "core" gameplay improvements over past installments, EA said. They should all combine to deliver a "truly fluid, fun, and authentic basketball gaming experience."
NBA Live 15 launches October 7 for Xbox One and PS4. Its main competitor, NBA 2K15, will also be released on that day, though it is also coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. For more on NBA Live 15, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.
Eddie M akuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch
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