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Nintendo Commits to 2015 Release Date for Star Fox Wii U

Written By blogger on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 | 12:45 PM

Nintendo has said its Star Fox Wii U game is on track to launch in 2015, as part of a wider announcement where it revealed release dates for key upcoming games.

The Star Fox game, which has yet to be given a specific title, is the brainchild of the corporation's talismanic developer Shigeru Miyamoto.< /p>

A rough prototype of the game was shown to GameSpot at E3 in Lo s Angeles, and at the time Miyamoto said he was considering partnering with an external development studio to help support the project.

"This is a game that we've developed internally up until now, but because we do want to bring this to market very soon, we are looking at some potential partner companies that we can team up with," he said. However, Miyamoto also assured fans that he "will be directly in charge of the project," regardless of what other studio Nintendo partners with.

The Wii U Star Fox game will mark the first original game in the series to be published since 2006, when the company released Star Fox Command on the Nintendo DS. Nintendo confirmed it plans to release the game in 2015 as part of a tweet detailing projects currently earmarked to ship next year.

Games already lined up for next year include:

GameSpot's Sta r Fox Wii U preview explained that the game displays on both the console's GamePad screen and the television set. "The GamePad gives you a cockpit view, allowing you to aim and look around independent from your ship's movement. The TV screen gives you a view more like a traditional Star Fox game.

"You can take out enemies, just not with the same level of precision as using the GamePad. Meanwhile, you need the TV screen to get a larger look at the full battlefield and keep track of your fighter when taking evasive maneuvers."

Miyamoto told GameSpot that the project began as an internal experiment but, prior to E3, transitioned the project into full production.

"The way that I design games, I start by experimenting with a lot of different assets and play styles. And then, once we h ave all that laid out and understood, then we go into full development and begin building the graphics around them."

Rob Crossley is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @rob_crossley_
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