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P.T. Proves Not Everything Works in Minecraft

Written By blogger on Monday, October 6, 2014 | 6:34 AM

You don't need me to tell you that just about every conceivable physical structure, or place, or idea can theoretically be recreated in Minecraft.

I mean, the Danish Geodata Agency managed to build the entire country of Denmark in the game at a 1:1 scale. That's merely the tip of the iceberg though--there are teams who are building the entire Game of Thrones world map, while one gamer even managed to build a functioning 16-Bit computer in the editor.

But, lik e with any creative tool, there appears to be some things that Minecraft finds tricky to create.

Specifically, horror. Or, more specifically, the disturbing L-shaped limbo that is P.T., the playable teaser that shipped on PS4 in August and went on to win GameSpot's Game of the Month.

As the video above shows, P.T. in Minecraft is unintentionally funny. Barnyard animal bellows don't quite make the blood curdle, and the angular ghost is something I'd rather hug tha n flee from.

But maybe that's the lasting effect of P.T.? Having survived that awful game, why would you be scared of anything else?

Test your nerve by taking a look at the Minecraft recreation in the video above.

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