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The Newfound Storytelling Potential of Assassin's Creed Unity

Written By blogger on Monday, October 6, 2014 | 9:24 AM

Have you heard of Arno the Bold? He was one of the greatest figures of the French Revolution before his name was lost to the passage of time. An eccentric man, Arno was known to wear a garish purple hood best described as "wizardly." He also wielded a rather large and imposing pickaxe, or la Pioche de la Justice as he referred to it. But when Arno wasn't going for dips in the Seine, he was devoted to bringing liberty to all his fellow Parisians. No Templar was safe from Arno the Bold. Nor was anyone who looked at him funny. And I suppose anyone who got caught in one of those smoke bombs he was always throwing around. Arno was a bit sloppy about that.

Okay, so maybe my version of Arno wasn't all that great of a hero. But Assassin's Creed Unity, with its newfound dedication to customization and open-ended mission design, has this way of making you feel like you're building your own story. Yes, it's definitely still a n Assassin's Creed game, but after four hours of scaling Parisian rooftops, I like where this game is going.

Making Sure I Had the Right Look

The very first thing I did in Assassin's Creed Unity was jump into the character customization screen. I knew right from the start that I wanted to stress-test the options that this game had to offer. After all, customization options have existed in Assassin's Creed since the early days, but they've all been pretty modest and mostly cosmetic. I wanted to know how far Unity had gone to improve on that legacy.

Pretty far, as it turns out. Within each clothing cate gory are dozens of gear options, many of which bear wonderful names such as Handmade Napoleonic Breeches or Legendary Phantom Hood. Some are subtle fashion choices, while others are absolutely ridiculous. However, all of them come with different stat modifiers, affecting things like mobility, health, and sneakiness.

I decided to buy the Handmade Medieval Hood because it provided a nice health boost--something that would come in handy now that Ubisoft has made the combat more challenging--and also because it made me look like a totally sick wizard. I paired it with a Handmade Medieval Coat because I am a man who cares about fashion consistency, and then added a Handmade Prowler Belt because it was actually three different belts all bunched together and that just seemed like a good value.

But what color would I paint my new gear? Unity lets you select from a broad assortment of color swatches, which like the gear itself can run from the modest to the absolutely garish. I first went with a greenish color called Emerald Regret because, well, it's called Emerald Regret. But then a bright purple purple hue caught my eye and I decided to go with that. A wizard's gotta stand out.

Finally, it was onto the weapon screen. I knew that a man wearing a bright purple wizard hood wouldn't settle for some boring sword, so I took a look at some of the more eccentric weapon options. Would I go with the bident (like a trident but with two prongs instead of three) or the pickaxe? The bident looked pretty amazing, but I figured the pickaxe was a better fit for a people's revolution. That bident had royalty written all over it.

Feeling confident in my look, I decided to try out some some story missions.

Exploring the Assassination Sandbox

After an early mission that shed a bit of light on Arno's entrance into the Assassins' brotherhood, I was given my first target: a slimy fellow named Sivert. These big assassination missions work quite a bit differently in Unity compared to the last few entries in the series. Think of them as big, open-ended sandboxes similar to early Hitman games. In this case, my target was hanging out inside the Notre Dame and it was up to me to figure out how to get into the heavily guarded cathedral, how to kill him, and how to escape without being swarmed by guards.

It's a structure that leaves you a lot of choices, but you wouldn't know that at th e beginning. That's because Unity is very eager to suggest a few key options by leaving them sitting prominently on the screen like any other mission instructions. An example: there's an associate of Sivert's who's going to have a secret meeting with him in a confessional booth. If you take this guy out, you can surprise Sivert during this would-be meeting. A nice way to deal with your target without drawing any attention, right?

Probably, but I wanted to forge my own path without any hand-holding. So I shrugged off the game' s suggestions (the other included a man who had keys to a special entrance) and set out in search of my own way in. After doing a lap around the Notre Dame, I found a well leading down into the catacombs. Down there, I was able to discover a secret staircase leading into the cathedral. I did my best to sneak around any suspicious guards without raising too much attention, and quickly managed to blend into a crowd of people watching a priest give his sermon.

After a little while, I caught a glimpse of my target walking just beyond the throng of church-goers. He was flanked by guards, and my window of opportunity was a short one, so I made a split-second decision. I threw a smoke bomb, let the chaos and confusion spread like wildfire, and planted a blade in Sivert without anyone noticing. Before anyone could see what happened, I was already strolling back to my underground entrance. Mission successful.

What makes these types of missions neat, though, is the sheer number of options you have for approaching them. There are all manner of entrances and opportunities to take down Sivert. I actually replayed this mission and found an open window up on the roof, then prowled up in the rafters before doing a slick aerial takedown on Sivert. Sure, this attracted a whole bunch of angry guards who nearly killed me (guards now use group tactics much, much more effectively) but I managed to escape by the skin of my teeth. I suspect these missions are going to provide some of the best replay value in the entire game.


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